
Showing posts from September 28, 2018

What are Biometrics?

What are biometrics? At the most basic, biometrics can be best explained by breaking down the word: bio, as in biological; and metric, as in measurement. That is to say, biometrics are biological measurements. Thanks to the unique nature of many of these measurements, biometrics are particularly suited for identification. Fingerprints, facial measurements, the patterns that your veins make and even the way you walk – all of these characteristics and more are unique to you and you only. Some companies focus on the technologies that measure biometrics and apply them to identity verification. Sometimes that means proving to a computer that you are you and are allowed to access your email, other times it means law enforcement officers uncovering wanted crooks. In every case biometrics allow for a high level of efficiency and assurance when it comes to every transaction dealing with identity and credentialing. What are the characteristics measured by biometric technology? Some biometric m...

Facial Recognition

What is facial recognition? Like all biometrics solutions, face recognition technology measures and matches the unique characteristics for the purposes of identification or authentication. Often leveraging a digital or connected camera, facial recognition software can detect faces in images, quantify their features, and then match them against stored templates in a database. Face scanning biometric tech is incredibly versatile and this is reflected in its wide range of potential applications. Where do I find facial recognition? Face biometrics have the potential to be integrated anywhere you can find a modern camera. Law enforcement agencies the world over use biometric software to scan faces in CCTV footage , as well as to identify persons of interest in the field . Border control deployments use face recognition to verify the identities of travelers. It even has consumer applications. Thanks to its software based nature, face recognition tech has paved the way for selfie-based aut...

Short article about Technology

Technology affects people all over the world. Advances in technology have made our countries safer and our lives easier, they have also negatively affected our lives. Technology have brought us online banking, smart cars, smart TVs, lightning fast computers, and the virtual reality. Also there include cyber warfare, hackers, identity theft, cyber stalking, and a host of other bad things. The society has been changed with the evolution of technology . Life was burdensome and everyday chores consumed too much of our time, before the advent of modern day technology. The access to education, medicine, industry, transportation etc. has been simplified due to development in modern day technology. Due to the convenience and efficiency provided by technology, our lives have improved . Information technology give a new face to traditional libraries that include both digital collections and traditional, fixed media collections. We know that traditional libraries are limited by its storage space...

Will 5G be necessary for self-driving cars?

Proponents of 5G say it will offer ultra-fast connections, speedier data downloads, and be able to handle millions more connections than 4G mobile networks can cope with today. One use for 5G is self-driving cars, but will they really need it? The telecoms industry envisions autonomous cars equipped with hundreds of sensors collecting and receiving information all at once over a network. It calls this concept "Vehicle-to-everything" (V2X). To achieve this, the car needs to detect blind spots and avoid collisions with people, animals or other vehicles on the road. As the car drives, its sensors will pick up information about:  weather and road conditions accidents obstacles and objects moving near the car Once the information is gathered, either an on-board computer will make an instant decision, or the data could be sent into the cloud to be processed, and then a decision would be sent back to the vehicle.  Smarter than humans Imagine a scenario wh...

Hablemos de Tecnología

Bienvenidos a mi blog, este es un espacio que muestra notas interesantes sobre tecnología, algunas definiciones y explicaciones de lo que son las nuevas tecnologías y lo que nos depara el futuro. El objetivo principal es presentar los conceptos básicos, sin entrar en detalle, pues está orientado para un público que no es experto y que desea comprender mejor la tecnología. Sobre todo, cómo ésta se aplica a la vida cotidiana en diferentes ámbitos, como el hogar, el trabajo, nuestro automóvil, celular y muchos otros. Los usuarios más avanzados, puede comentar y con mucho gusto podemos aclarar dudas o profundizar más en los temas. Algunos artículos están escritos en Inglés, por lo que en la barra lateral derecha podrás encontrar el traductor de Google por si lo necesitas. En la misma barra podrás conocer un poco más sobre mi experiencia en el área de tecnología. Espero este espacio te sea de utilidad. Víctor Martínez

Video: Máquinas Increíbles de Construcción de Carreteras

Recopilación de las más increíbles máquinas de construcción de carreteras. Fuente:

Video: Tecnología en carreteras.

Increíbles tecnologías para carreteras que tienes que ver !! Fuente:

Video: 7 Tecnologías de MEJORAMIENTO HUMANO

En este video encontramos algunas tecnologías prometedoras. El future comienza ahora. Fuente:

Implantes Robóticos en el Cuerpo Humano

La prótesis es una extensión artificial que reemplaza o provee una parte del cuerpo que falta por diversas razones. Es habitual confundir un aparato ortopédico con una prótesis, utilizando ambos términos indistintamente. • Prótesis auditiva, o audífono • Prótesis cardíaca • Prótesis dental • Prótesis faciales • Prótesis oculares y Prótesis ortopédicas o de las extremidades • Prótesis maxilofaciales Las prótesis, se suelen utilizar con fines estéticos como las oculares de vidrio o para suplir en el cuerpo funciones de las que carece naturalmente, como las prótesis mamarias usadas en las cirugías de reasignación de sexo o trangeneristas. La prótesis sirven para cubrir alguna parte del cuerpo, con la finalidad de lograr un equilibrio estético. Esto es benéfico para el paciente, debido a que logra integrarse de nuevo a su entorno social, familiar y laboral. Son adaptadas al usuario según sus necesidades Las prótesis son muy resistentes, pero para incrementar su vi...

How Cybersecurity is Beneficial for HR Professionals

A number of cybersecurity issues emerge due to the actions of company employees, but human resource managers and professionals can be on guard against these threats by understanding the role of cybersecurity. Employees are often the weakest link when it comes to cybersecurity but HR professionals can help guard against some of those vulnerabilities. Cybersecurity is becoming more of a big deal for every aspect of business – including human resource professionals. It makes sense for HR teams to be involved in preventing cyber-attacks because they are often the gatekeepers of the personal information that hackers so often go after. In his article on Workforce , Andie Burjek calls HR and IT the “dynamic duo in fighting Cybersecurity risks.” Here’s why: The information technology and human resources department, together, make a smart team in fighting these risks because most cybersecurity threats come from inside the company. This is especially concerning because of the great financ...

4 Top Live Stream Tools for Small Business

Small businesses need smart tools to be able to find success – here are some of the top live stream tools to help your business connect. What are the best live streaming tools to help bring your business to your audience? Live streaming is an extremely useful tool in helping businesses connect with their audiences. Whether they want to announce a product live to their consumer market or showcase a training to their global employees without bringing them all on site, live streaming is a great modern broadcasting tool that helps teams collaborate better and helps organizations communicate better. One of the main benefits of Live stream broadcasters is that it helps expedite the flow of knowledge. We live in an information-hungry age, and one of the easiest ways to stay competitive – whether that means retaining the best internal talent or keeping customers interested in your brand instead of another – is to make sure that you’re on the front lines of communication. Businesses that ...

Top Orchestration Tools for Cloud Platform

Computing orchestration is critical to cloud services – here are some of the best tools for businesses to use to orchestrate their cloud platform. What are the cloud orchestration tools that can best benefit your business? Cloud platforms are multi-layered datacenters that process business applications – the sequence of processes that they’re required to handle will depend on the unique needs of the business. They’re the backbone of many businesses, from small, indie eCommerce stores to large financial organizations who use cloud infrastructure to help manage their internal workflows. Orchestration helps automate computer programs and services and an orchestrator helps to manage the workflow and handle adjustments. Cloud service orchestration is: Made up of tools and processes used to help deliver a service as defined by the business Combining of software and hardware components together Helping to connect and automate workflows when necessary Orchestration is nec...

Benefits of Supplier Relationship Management

Without the supplier relationship, costs could be high, efficiency could be difficult to maintain, and pricing structures could fluctuate. Supplier relationship management can help companies drive efficiency and sustain a good level of profitability According to TechTarget, “Supplier relationship management (SRM) is the systematic approach of assessing suppliers’ contributions and influence on success, determining tactics to maximize suppliers’ performance and developing the strategic approach for executing on these determinations. It helps to create positive buyer-supplier relationships and determines which activities to engage in with each supplier. “The typical goal of SRM is to streamline and improve processes between a buyer and its suppliers — the organizations that supply the goods and services — just as customer relationship management (CRM) is intended to streamline and improve the processes between an enterprise and its customers. Underlying SRM is the focus on develo...

Google Introduces New Features on Its 20th Anniversary

Google might be under some pressure from government leaders for being too big, but that isn’t stopping the search engine giant from celebrating its 20th anniversary with some cool new features. On Monday, the company released several new features that aim to make its search functionality more visual and more appealing. As social media elements become part of the overall framework of Google, it is putting its best foot forward and shaping itself up for the next decade. While the company isn’t likely looking to take over the social media domain, it is aiming to help users navigate through search results just as easily as they navigate through social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook. The new suite of updates and features will fundamentally transform the way in which we search and the way that search results look on both desktop and mobile. While Google’s core — typing some words into a plain search box and getting back a list of relevant results – will remain the same, the...

9 Visual Tools to Improve Your Brand on Social Media

Since audiences engage more with brands that utilize visual social media tools, having an arsenal of the best visual tools on the market is essential to create better connections with your audience members. Visual Tools Are Essential to Improve Your Social Media Business. A good social media marketing strategy requires visual social media tools to not only increase engagement with your audience but to convey a cohesive message as well. Whether you’re adding emojis to your graphics, producing animated videos or sharing infographics with your social media audience, visual tools are essential to creating engaging content your audience will want to consume. With the right visual social media tools , you’ll not only be able to create engaging images and infographics but manage your social media business as well. From visual presentation ideas to visual content creators, having the right visual tools in your arsenal will allow you to create content that appeals to your audience...

7 HR Automation Tools to Build a Successful Recruitment Process

There are many HR automation tools on the market helping HR professionals be more successful at their jobs and giving them peace of mind. HR automation tools are not only streamlining HR processes but allowing HR professionals to focus more on employees. HR automation tools are revolutionizing all aspects of HR processes from hiring and resource optimization to performance management and applicant tracking. Human resource information systems are changing the game for HR professionals and enriching the global HR market. In fact, by 2025, human resource management is estimated to by a $30 billion market, according to Grand View Research. As big data analytics, machine learning, artificial intelligence, and the internet of things continue to transform human resources management systems, there are many HR automation tools on the market that can significantly improve your HR processes. Top HR Automation Tools From manual repetitive tasks to essential HR processes, HR automation t...

Most Exciting Future Technology Trends for 2020

Major technology trends are shaping and reshaping the way we do business and the way we see the world. Technology trends are reshaping our future and it is important that we ensure these trends are not only helpful but also safe. Technology is constantly evolving, and for better or worse, is making progress toward ease, speed, and sophistication each year. For the last fifty years or so, technology has advanced at an exceptional rate and that does not seem to be stopping or slowing down any time soon. There are many technology trends on the market today and future trends emerging all the time. What Are the Next Big Tech Trends? AI Permeation Digital Centralization 5G Preparation Data Overload White Collar Automation Seamless Conversation UI Overhauls Artificial intelligence manifesting through machine learning algorithms is getting better. This is largely due to the increase in funding it is receiving. This extra funding is allowing Ai to be implemented into all ...

What is Thick Data and Why Should You Use it?

The term ‘big data’ can be used in a plethora of contexts and due to its inherent broadness, it can be quite challenging to find a straightforward definition that covers all its aspects. One of the most compelling and comprehensive definitions we’ve come across is Lisa Arthur ’s one, which defines it as “a collection of data from traditional and digital sources inside and outside your company that represents a source for ongoing discovery and analysis”, as detailed in this Forbes article . Another engaging approach was adopted by Jonathan Stuart Ward and Adam Barker at the University of St Andrews in Scotland, who attempted to gain a better understanding of general perceptions of this buzzword and come up with a definition that everyone can agree on. Their slightly more elaborate explanation, “a term describing the storage and analysis of large and or complex data sets using a series of techniques including, but not limited to: NoSQL, MapReduce and machine learning”, is based on ex...

Desafíos de la calidad de datos en Big Data

Las especiales características del Big Data hacen que su calidad de datos se enfrente a múltiples desafíos. Se trata de las conocidas como 5 Vs: Volumen, Velocidad, Variedad, Veracidad y Valor, que definen la problemática del Big Data. Estas 5 características del big data provocan que las empresas tengan problemas para extraer datos reales y de alta calidad, de conjuntos de datos tan masivos, cambiantes y complicados. Hasta la llegada del Big Data, mediante ETL podíamos cargar la información estructurada que teníamos almacenada en nuestro sistema ERP y CRM, por ejemplo. Pero ahora, podemos cargar información adicional que ya no se encuentra dentro de los dominios de la empresa: comentarios o likes en redes sociales, resultados de campañas de marketing, datos estadísticos de terceros, etc. Todos estos datos nos ofrecen información que nos ayuda a saber si nuestros productos o servicios están funcionando bien o por el contrario están teniendo problemas. Algunos desafí...

¿Qué es Big Data?

Big Data es un término que describe el gran volumen de datos, tanto estructurados como no estructurados, que inundan los negocios cada día. Pero no es la cantidad de datos lo que es importante. Lo que importa con el Big Data es lo que las organizaciones hacen con los datos. Big Data se puede analizar para obtener ideas que conduzcan a mejores decisiones y movimientos de negocios estratégicos.  ¿Qué es Big Data? Cuando hablamos de Big Data nos referimos a conjuntos de datos o combinaciones de conjuntos de datos cuyo tamaño (volumen), complejidad (variabilidad) y velocidad de crecimiento (velocidad) dificultan su captura, gestión, procesamiento o análisis mediante tecnologías y herramientas convencionales, tales como bases de datos relacionales y estadísticas convencionales o paquetes de visualización, dentro del tiempo necesario para que sean útiles. Aunque el tamaño utilizado para determinar si un conjunto de datos determinado se considera Big Data no está firmemente defi...